Now that you have installed the IronLink plugin, there are a few additional steps you will need to take to get things up and running.
- Enter your registration key above and then hit update on the right of your screen.
- Go to the Job Boards page under the IronLink menu on the left, add the job board information and click update on the right to import the active jobs. Do not leave this page until the update process is complete.
- Add the IronLink shortcode where you want to display job listings on your site.
- Enter the shortcode [ironlink job_board=”JOB BOARD”] , making sure to replace “JOB BOARD” with the job board name you entered in step 2, in a new page’s content area and publish the page.
- This will add a paginated and searchable listing of the jobs imported for the Job Board listed in the job_board parameter of the shortcode.
- To control the number of listings shown on each page you can add the optional limit parameter to the shortcode like this, [ironlink job_board=’jobboard’ limit=’20’]